So you just can't stand living with someone any longer? Hopefully your name isn't on the lease, but if it is, you just might have to remain at the dwelling until the lease is up or live elsewhere. Whatever you might choose, be sure you give the landlord a sixty-day notice. Let he or she know you have no plans of remaining in the unit and do not want to renew your lease with the individual.
If you should avoid handling your desire to leave in a professional manner, you run the risk of ruining your credit if you should bail out without notice. You will also make matters worse for you if you skip out without letting your roommate(s) know and leave a partner or others with your portion of the rent.
You can make your dream of moving a reality if there has been domestic violence. File a restraining order or protection from abuse with your local police department. Share a copy of the notice with your landlord and let him or her know you have been advised to leave the residence. Explain to them you don't want to draw anymore negative attention to the community as a result and if he or she could begin looking for other potential renters. The landlord might work with you depending on how bad your situation and whether or not you were a good resident. The landlord might work with your roommate since you no longer want to be on the lease. Whatever you do, don't return because the next time it won't be so easy to be let out of the lease.
Plan to save money if you really want to move and if you can obtain additional income streams to help with the rent, utilities, and more. For your new place, you will need a security deposit, first and possibly second month's rent depending on your credit score and other factors. You might still need a co-signer if your credit is poor, you don't have sufficient credit history or other challenges. Check your credit before you go apartment shopping and obtain a copy if need be. Most property companies will perform their own background and credit checks and also private landlords, but it can be helpful to have your information readily available along with a check or money order to hold the place.
Now if you plan on taking items out of the shared residence that you didn't pay for or can't prove that you own, don't be surprised if your roommate(s) might sue you in the future long after you have left. Other things to consider:
1) Your friendship might come to a swift end because you are no longer helping.
2) Someone who you think you know well might be triggered emotionally due to your absence and may stalk you or obsess about you living with him or her again.
3) Your credit might be negatively impacted by a scorned roommate if he or she has been using your credit cards or has access to your banking information.
4) People in support of your roommate might treat you rudely depending on what he or she has said to them about you.
5) If you don't safeguard or obtain everything you care about much before you announce your move, you might not see those things ever again. So be discreet and remove all important things out beforehand.
6) You may have to involve law enforcement if a partner/roommate is acting threatening or has become violent with you.
7) You might find yourself moving sooner rather than later based on how difficult your partner/friend is behaving.
So think about who might help you get a new place if you can't do it on your own and don't even consider your scorned roommate unless you want similar problems in the future. If you are having a tough time with a partner or others living in the dwelling, whatever you do don't leave your future location you plan to move within view. Erase internet history and put away rental catalogs. You don't need your old problems following you to your new residence.
Stay positive during this tough time and continue to online and offline apartment window shop until you are ready to make the move. Think of the amenities you will enjoy in the future, what you might buy to decorate your new place, and other things that make you happy. Envision yourself in your new residence without those you no longer want to live with and take a deep sigh knowing that peace won't be long now!
Nicholl McGuire is the author of What Else Can I Do on the Internet?
This apartment blog provides apartment shopping tips, moving advice, organizing apartment, rental advice, and other interesting information related to the property management industry. This real estate business blog was created by a former apartment community manager and leasing consultant. Always check for recent policies in your dwelling.
After the Storm - What You Need to Know About Apartment Renting

Many property management companies are waving late fees, monthly rent, giving security deposits back or refunding some rent to assist residents that have to relocate. However, this isn't the case for everyone. Therefore, there are many legal issues as a result due to private landlords and unreasonable property management companies. What many survivors do in situations like this involve money--lots of it--that they have saved up for months or even years. They pay for hotels, motels, and relocations. Others stay with relatives and/or friends until they can get on their feet again and eventually kinfolk will expect contributions toward the household. A lot of victims apply for state and disaster aid, and search resources for additional assistance.
Renters' & Tenants' Rights - Nolo
Disaster Relief & Recovery Services - American Red Cross
Flood Insurance Scam
Flood Insurance Actual Cases
How To Request a Flood Hazard Determination Review
Disaster Assistance - FEMA
How to Spot Financial Fraud in a Non-Profit: 2 Warning Signs
Search Human Service and include your state
Search Food Assistance and include your state
Search Veteran Assistance and include your state
Search Rental Assistance and include your state
Search Renter's Insurance and include your state
Home Owner Help
Paranormal Activity in an Apartment, Town Home, Real
The property manager, neighbors and even the maintenance crew might not ever tell you that the last residents moved out because they feared for their lives, they couldn't sleep, someone died in the unit, crazy things were happening in the rental, or their poor animal was warring with something that no one else could see. But if you ever went through something like this, you know that the paranormal is real and yes they do occasionally stick around after death and refuse to leave. You can't fight the unseen with natural techniques and if you think you can, well good luck with that. You have to use a bit of spiritual warfare on them and if you don't know anything about that, then I suggest you look it up.
So you are shopping for a new place and let's just say you find out some disturbing things about it. You have a choice: you can move in anyway and hope for the best, move in but have a team of people who know how to cast some demonic spirits out, or avoid the place altogether. Whatever you decide, either way know that you will have your share of challenges. You will need to keep worry, fear, and what someone else's negative experience in the place at bay. The more people you tell about the history, in time what they say and their reactions just might make your skin crawl.
Odd things that I heard and other things I experienced or witnessed in some places I have moved (mind you I have moved 33 times to date during my adult years) included:
A pumping motion on my body during the night.
A presence of someone or something standing behind or next to me.
An entity that sat on my bed many times while I was trying to write a God-fearing spiritual book (yeah I know, could have been a good Spirit or an unrighteous one).
Weird unexplainable noises that made annoying sounds.
One of my children standing in fear of something the rest of the family couldn't see.
Another child stating an older lady was talking to him while he played in his room.
Two of my children talking to an imaginary boy who had a name.
My name being called and no one was there.
Walking on the floor and no one was at home.
Loud talking as if many people were in the room and then no one was there.
A feeling that many people were in a room, once again nothing you could see with the naked eye.
That's what I can remember from the top of my head. One creepy thing I recall and I mentioned elsewhere on this blog is when I worked in the apartment industry at a multi-dwelling complex that was less than five years old at the time. It was said that many people were injured while constructing that property. Then I met one of the architects who was a Satanist. Enough said.
So say a prayer before you go apartment hunting, it doesn't hurt.
Nicholl McGuire
So you are shopping for a new place and let's just say you find out some disturbing things about it. You have a choice: you can move in anyway and hope for the best, move in but have a team of people who know how to cast some demonic spirits out, or avoid the place altogether. Whatever you decide, either way know that you will have your share of challenges. You will need to keep worry, fear, and what someone else's negative experience in the place at bay. The more people you tell about the history, in time what they say and their reactions just might make your skin crawl.
Odd things that I heard and other things I experienced or witnessed in some places I have moved (mind you I have moved 33 times to date during my adult years) included:
A pumping motion on my body during the night.
A presence of someone or something standing behind or next to me.
An entity that sat on my bed many times while I was trying to write a God-fearing spiritual book (yeah I know, could have been a good Spirit or an unrighteous one).
Weird unexplainable noises that made annoying sounds.
One of my children standing in fear of something the rest of the family couldn't see.
Another child stating an older lady was talking to him while he played in his room.
Two of my children talking to an imaginary boy who had a name.
My name being called and no one was there.
Walking on the floor and no one was at home.
Loud talking as if many people were in the room and then no one was there.
A feeling that many people were in a room, once again nothing you could see with the naked eye.
That's what I can remember from the top of my head. One creepy thing I recall and I mentioned elsewhere on this blog is when I worked in the apartment industry at a multi-dwelling complex that was less than five years old at the time. It was said that many people were injured while constructing that property. Then I met one of the architects who was a Satanist. Enough said.
So say a prayer before you go apartment hunting, it doesn't hurt.
Nicholl McGuire
On Apartment Shopping - How Do You Know You Will Hate the Place in the Future?
There are those signs that one will simply not like a seemingly appealing apartment, town home, rental house, or some other dwelling in the near future. The property, the leasing consultant, and the interior of the unit draws you in--it makes you feel like you are at home. However, if you aren't discerning you will overlook signs that what looks beautiful will be an ugly nightmare for you in the future. So what to look out for?
1) Perform a sniff test. The scented fragrances that one smells while on tour mask things like mold and mildew.
2) Observe the walls, flooring and ceiling. As you walk notice, how the flooring feels under your feet. Are there soft patches, bumps, and other things that just might end up being quite annoying for you in the future? What about holes, mildew and markings on walls? Run your hand over the wall and feel for soft spots. Check for past or present signs of water damage on walls and ceilings too. These things are typically covered up--that is until you move in and experience a major rain fall. Don't forget to check for dead insects (or alive ones) in each room. If you notice a pattern, chances are the apartment has a history of insect and/or rodent problems. Look out for feces.
3) Open up cabinets, doors, and other things and notice imperfections. Once again perform a sniff test. Sometimes broken doors, hinges, and other things are carefully placed back without being fixed. If you don't test them, you just might find out when you move in when a cabinet door handle ends up in your hand.
4) If electricity is on, turn light switches on and off and listen for any sounds that might indicate an electrical problem. Notice lighting flickering not just in one room but throughout the unit. You don't want to discover that when you plug in your computer and other devices that outlets no longer work or frequently go out and fuses need to be replaced more than necessary.
5) Visit the rental on a weekend when everyone is home. Listen for noisy neighbors and notice where they park, how close are the community areas from your windows, and other things that might be problematic for you especially if you value your peace and quiet.
6) Pay attention when residents approach the leasing consultant or visit the office. Listen to what they say and watch their demeanor. Are they happy being there?
The more you can find out about the dwelling BEFORE papers are signed the better. You don't want to end up hating the place simply because you didn't perform your due diligence. Talk with residents after speaking with the leasing agent. What is snow and garbage removal like? Are things like the security gate working properly and is it well-lit at night? What is it that people don't like about staying there and what is it that they do enjoy? Stop by unannounced through the week after business hours, observe the community and the people. By doing this, you will get a good idea whether or not the place really is what it appears to be.
Nicholl McGuire is the owner and manager of this blog.
When you notice unsightly things don't agree to move in until repairs have been made otherwise you just might be stuck with them for the duration of your lease term.
1) Perform a sniff test. The scented fragrances that one smells while on tour mask things like mold and mildew.
2) Observe the walls, flooring and ceiling. As you walk notice, how the flooring feels under your feet. Are there soft patches, bumps, and other things that just might end up being quite annoying for you in the future? What about holes, mildew and markings on walls? Run your hand over the wall and feel for soft spots. Check for past or present signs of water damage on walls and ceilings too. These things are typically covered up--that is until you move in and experience a major rain fall. Don't forget to check for dead insects (or alive ones) in each room. If you notice a pattern, chances are the apartment has a history of insect and/or rodent problems. Look out for feces.
3) Open up cabinets, doors, and other things and notice imperfections. Once again perform a sniff test. Sometimes broken doors, hinges, and other things are carefully placed back without being fixed. If you don't test them, you just might find out when you move in when a cabinet door handle ends up in your hand.
4) If electricity is on, turn light switches on and off and listen for any sounds that might indicate an electrical problem. Notice lighting flickering not just in one room but throughout the unit. You don't want to discover that when you plug in your computer and other devices that outlets no longer work or frequently go out and fuses need to be replaced more than necessary.
5) Visit the rental on a weekend when everyone is home. Listen for noisy neighbors and notice where they park, how close are the community areas from your windows, and other things that might be problematic for you especially if you value your peace and quiet.
6) Pay attention when residents approach the leasing consultant or visit the office. Listen to what they say and watch their demeanor. Are they happy being there?
The more you can find out about the dwelling BEFORE papers are signed the better. You don't want to end up hating the place simply because you didn't perform your due diligence. Talk with residents after speaking with the leasing agent. What is snow and garbage removal like? Are things like the security gate working properly and is it well-lit at night? What is it that people don't like about staying there and what is it that they do enjoy? Stop by unannounced through the week after business hours, observe the community and the people. By doing this, you will get a good idea whether or not the place really is what it appears to be.
Nicholl McGuire is the owner and manager of this blog.
When you notice unsightly things don't agree to move in until repairs have been made otherwise you just might be stuck with them for the duration of your lease term.
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