Showing posts with label relocation tips. Show all posts
Showing posts with label relocation tips. Show all posts


5 Tips I Learned About Relocating 14 times

Relocation isn't always easy particularly when you haven't bothered to plan properly, so to assist some of you who are faced with this task, here are some tips.

1. Don't move into any apartment without seeing it first and if you can't, send a trusted friend or associate to look at the apartment. Call the leasing consultant at your new place, share your interests, and tell him or her what you plan to do, so that they will tour your friend until you arrive.

2. Don't sign the lease without reading it first. However, some of you don't like reading long documents, so to make it easier for you, pay close attention to the following: cancellation fees, what your security deposit covers, when rent is due, and the length of your lease term date and whether you should provide a 30 day notice before moving out. Other concerns should be the time of quiet hours and what time the leasing office, pool, business center and/or fitness areas close.

3. Learn to save money by asking for a discount whether it is on the first month's rent, moving company or furniture. Find movers who have special deals or rates. Rent your own truck and then check for laborers through the local Pennysaver, newspaper, yellow pages or Internet. Give items away that you don't need. Sell items that are in very good to excellent condition. If you are relocating out of state, consider mailing your keepsakes, tv, computer (packaged extremely well) a plastic dinnerware set, can opener, clothes, and get rid of everything else. (From Ohio to San Diego, I only spent $800 for all my items to be mailed via USPS and UPS. Furniture I sold, novelties and other home decor. Items that didn't sell, I gave away. When I arrived in California, two weeks later I was given a livingroom suite, dining room table and chairs when I arrived, dishware and a nightstand. I got a microwave, entertainment center and three brand new beds at a significant discount, and I paid little money for my other furniture (a mixture of new or used less than $50 each piece). Call it what you will good karma, luck, blessings etc.

4. Save money! When I didn't get anticipated money when I expected, I struggled some. So if you plan to relocate to another state, save at least three paychecks worth. I also put holiday gifts to people on the back-burner and let go of the fast food restaurants, shopping with friends, and dollar store visits once I knew I was moving.

5. Take the time to sit down and plan each week include what you hope to accomplish for that week. As I write, I have completed the first part of my task list this week. I wanted to begin packing everything I wasn't using. Now this week I will sit down with the children and find out what they aren't playing with and then pack that, by the time the move out date is here, everything will be packed.

Hope this helps someone, have a great trip!

Note:  My recent move September 2012.

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