Most rental companies expect rent to be paid by the first, while others do have a grace period of five days. After that the warning shows up on your door step along with a late fee charge. Make it a habit to be late with rent and not only are you giving rental companies extra money, but your credit is negatively impacted while you put yourself and family at risk of being evicted in the future. New management/owners will review the files of renters who present chronic problems and will work to get those renters off the property sooner rather than later.
Tardy rent happens with many people and when it does it can be stressful for all parties. The property managers must process additional paperwork while keeping records of tardiness. The family who hopes to one day move may not get a good reference from the current landlord. Future managers don't like to lease their properties to individuals who are often late with rent.
So keep this in mind the next time you want to splurge a little, do you have your rent?
Nicholl McGuire
Tardy rent happens with many people and when it does it can be stressful for all parties. The property managers must process additional paperwork while keeping records of tardiness. The family who hopes to one day move may not get a good reference from the current landlord. Future managers don't like to lease their properties to individuals who are often late with rent.
So keep this in mind the next time you want to splurge a little, do you have your rent?
Nicholl McGuire