1) Carpet Cleaning
It isn’t a big deal to have your carpet cleaned prior to an inspection unless it is hideous and smells foul due to pets. Some property management companies might offer carpet cleaning to residents who renew their leases earlier. Do ask what specials are provided if you plan to stay another year.
2) Window Treatments
If the curtains are uniform with the outer appearance and/or blinds that were already installed in the apartment prior to move-in have not been removed typically there is nothing to be concerned about. However, if the lease agreement says anything about the window treatments staying up or they must be uniform, you might want to put them back up prior to the inspection.
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Photo by Mike Marquez on Unsplash |
The apartment will be checked to see that it is clean which includes no visible signs that insects are living with you. However, if they are you should be calling the leasing office before the inspection so that pest control can come out and take care of the problem. Cleaning might include: dusting, vacuuming, hanging up clothes, picking up belongings from the middle of the floor, mopping floors, cleaning toilets and sinks, and removing trash.
4) Paint and Other Personal Handy Work
It isn’t necessary to paint anything, but if there were unapproved paint jobs, murals, or challenging handy work that involved major changes to the place, this will be a problem for the staff to sell the suite in the future since it doesn’t look like the others. Be prepared to pay much to have the suite renovated back to the way it originally looked no matter how much you disliked it prior to your “improvements.” The leasing staff has to sell a suite based on what is being advertised to the public. Anything else would be a lie. If the changes aren’t drastic, you might get the pass, but don’t make any additional personal improvements.
5) Pet Violations
The apartment will be inspected to be sure you are following pet rules like taking the animal out to perform general activities. Believe it or not, some pet owners do not consistently take their pets out so they are left to roam within the apartment to expel waste. This of course causes damage to the flooring as well as creates an offensive odor to all who live near the inconsiderate resident. Another issue is the resident complaints that a neighbor suddenly has a pet that may also be breaking the breed restriction rules. If a resident didn’t pay a pet security deposit and is not paying monthly rent for the pet, he or she is violating the lease agreement. The resident will be asked to remove the pet or pay the fees; if not he or she most likely will be faced with an eviction.
6) Hoarding
The staff will make a note of an excess of items that might pose a potential health risk. From clothes to people, if the space is crowded you will be asked to rent a bigger space.
7) Hazardous Materials or Equipment
Your apartment is not the best place to store flammable liquids from work or materials that are a disturbance to neighbors. Chances are someone complained about what is happening in your apartment whether it is a smell, strange sounds, or something that is affecting one’s well-being. The hunt is on to look for the problem belongings and when found you will be told to store them elsewhere.
8) Damages to Walls, Windows, Doors, or Appliances.
The staff will be checking for anything that should have been reported. Arrangements will be made to have those items fixed if the resident makes the request. Anything that the security deposit doesn’t cover will be billed to the resident and expected to be paid along with the rent.
9) Water, Gas and Heat
If all is working properly, nothing to be concerned about, but if not request that maintenance take a look prior to the inspection.
10) Electrical outlets
They will probably not be checked unless you bring attention to what is working and what is not.
Other items that might be noticed are non-working faucets, holes in floors, broken shelves, and doorknobs. If they aren’t observed, once again let the staff know especially if these things had never been checked or fixed after you moved in.
Nicholl McGuire is the author of What Else Can I Do on the Internet? and other books.