
Save Time When Filling Out Apartment Rental Applications

The day will come when you will absolutely love an apartment, town home, or other residence and you won't want to waste too much time getting the place.  You will be considered for a rental faster than others if you have all necessary documentation readily available to help with completing your rental application. The following is a list of what you need for most applications.  Organize your items and have them with you for easy reference just in case you find that special residence.  Some leasing consultants will actually wait for you to fill out the application if you already have everything.

1.  Copy of your credit report and background check.  Although the company will perform a background check, if you have your own information handy and need to reference it for some reason, having it available might be helpful.

2.  Know your move-in date.  So many apartment shoppers waste valuable time not having any idea when they want to move-in.  Discuss this advance with your roommate before apartment shopping.

3.  Be prepared to fill out basic information on the rental application such as: address, social security number, current landlord/home owner, how long you have been there, current rent, and apartment community/landlord's phone number.  If you live with parents, just indicate that on the form.

4.  Know the previous addresses you stayed, the name of the apartment communities/landlords, contact information, and how much you paid in rent.  The application will have a limit so just fill out what is required.

5.  Have your roommate, co-signer or spouse's information available.

6.  If you have additional income, list it.  This helps if your monthly income falls a bit short of requirements.

7.  List other occupants.  Anyone over 18 years in most states will need to fill out a rental application so that a background check can be performed.

8.  Note pet information such as: the type, breed and weight.  This data will determine whether your pet meets requirements.

9.  Know the make and year of your automobile, tag number/license plate, state and color.  This information will be used to identify your vehicle when parking is assigned.

10.  Be sure your driver's license or state id is available.  This will be used to prove your identity.  The license number will most likely be needed on the form.

11.  Emergency contact information including phone numbers and addresses.

12.  Employment information including most recent pay stubs (have at least six months available).  Self-employed individuals include most recent tax return.

13.  Proof you are managing any debt issues that you feel might hinder you from getting a place ie.) bankruptcy discharge paperwork, payment arrangement with collection companies, etc.

14.  Any paperwork related to a landlord tenant dispute that shows past issues were resolved.

15.  Checkbook or money order,  This comes in handy to pay for application fee and if need be to hold the apartment.

All of your documentation should be in a folder for easy reference.  You will most likely find yourself referring to the information often until you secure a place.

Happy shopping!

Nicholl McGuire provides web content to various sites.  Learn more about Nicholl McGuire Media here.

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