It happens, you end up settling with a residence that is too crowded and loud. You really wish you could be anywhere but where you are. But for now, you feel stuck. Some things you can do to relieve some stress:
1. Plan activities so you are not always home especially on weekends.
2. Sound proof a room and invest in some ear phones for radio, TV, computer, etc.
3. Find instruments that you can play using headphones.
4. Don't worry over problem neighbors who are too loud, file a complaint with the landlord or police.
5. Always be on the look out for available apartments in your community or in a desired location.
6. Save your money for an upcoming move and check your lease on when to give a notice.
7. Don't invite family and friends over, rather go where they are or arrange to meet somewhere.
You can probably think of other ways to bring peace to your situation. Try your best to look on the bright side especially when you see yet another homeless man or woman on the street. Count your blessings! Do check this site on ways to remedy problems from maintenance issues to pests.
Nicholl McGuire has lived in many different areas over 20 years including Ohio, Pennsylvania and California. She has also managed and leased units. Nowadays, she stays in a multi-family dwelling with amenities including a pool she will never use. Enjoy this blog, feel free to subscribe today!