
Don't Like Where You Stay? 30 Day Notice to Move

Don't like where you stay any longer?  If this describes you then you might want to consider giving your landlord a 30 day notice if your lease is due to expire.  If you fail to give notice, then you will find that your rent might increase, your lease may or may not become month-to-month, and you may incur additional charges that you really don't want to pay.

So don't sleep on your lease date--get to the office and start your new apartment search!  Scroll through this blog for more tips on apartment living.


Know What You Need - Apartment Hunting

When you're asked, "What you're looking for?"  Be ready to answer this question.  The landlord, owner, or leasing consultant doesn't know you, but you are aware of your needs, so be prepared to say what you want when apartment shopping.

Before you begin your next apartment hunt you should already know the following things:

1.  When you want to move?
2.  Whether you have the application fee, a deposit and at least two month's worth of rent.
3.  Your credit history.
4.  The kind of suite you want.
5.  The amenities that you will use (not what you hope to one day use).
6.  A busy, quiet, or semi-active neighborhood.
7.  The type of people you don't mind living nearby. (Due to Fair Housing Laws, the apartment staff can't help you with this, so be observant).

Lack of money, noise sensitivity, personal prejudice, and other issues will affect how you view a community.  So why suffer for a year moving somewhere you know you will not like much after the newness of convenient shopping and a lovely pool wear off?  The issues that come with a large complex will be there.  The noise of busy streets will drive you mad if you enjoy peace and quiet. Don't forget if you have personal hang-ups with social class, same sex couples, and a certain ethnicity or two, those issues don't go away either no matter how much you talk yourself into being more understanding.

Take your apartment shopping experience seriously and don't permit others to persuade you into committing to something you know deep inside you just don't want.  Pay close attention to the environment and don't be distracted by pretty things, discounted rent, and other specials.  Check out more entries on this site about apartment shopping.  After reading many of them, you will be well-prepared to make a good decision.

Best wishes to you!

Nicholl McGuire also shares tips at Workplace Problems, see here. 


When Is It the Right Time to Move?

Sometimes we stay in communities long past our internal clocks that tell us, "Leave.  This would be a good time."  From money challenges to a person staying with us that isn't ready to move, we end up staying and it feels like the walls around us are beginning to close in.  So when is it a good time, to get focused, and start preparing to move?

1.  When personal challenges with the property, staff, neighbors, and more are steadily increasing more than they ever were.

Maybe you were once the resident that never visited the leasing office or called property management, but now you are becoming familiar to them.  It seems every time you show up, there is something that needs to be fixed, neighbor woes, problems with paying rent, etc.

2.  When you have an "aha" moment it's time to move and recognize the fact that your residence no longer adds any value to your life.

Living in some communities can be more burdensome than we realize.  What we once thought was "perfect" is no longer that great when you are no longer working at the place near the apartment community or the amenities at the property mean nothing to you.  So why are you paying so much?  Re-evaluate why you remain where you are.

3.  When you find yourself wishing/hoping/wanting far too often for something bigger, smaller, less expensive, etc.

It is like you become obsessed with the idea of moving--all you want is to leave.  You are all-too-eager to save money, visit places, and envision your move out date before you even get a place.

Lastly, you know when the time is right when you can look in your bank account and see that there is enough money to move.  This is a clear indication that you can do it, but is your mind and heart in agreement along with the people you live with?

Nicholl McGuire


Property Owners, Apartment Managers - No Blog, No Problem!

For years this blog has been managed by Nicholl McGuire Media.  We have shared beneficial information to apartment renters and workers in property management.  We will be continuing our efforts and hope to include those of you who are in the field.

If you have a website, but have no blog, won't you think about linking with us?  Weekly we post videos and share information from around the web about apartment and housing rentals.  We are open to link swapping, so if you post our link, we will be sure to post yours.  Let us know you did.

Contact Nicholl
Apartment Shopping, Leasing, Rental Tips Blogger

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