
How to Save Money When Preparing to Move into Apartment, Town Home

You need to move and you don't know how to go about doing it quickly while saving up enough money to move, so what do you do? Sometimes people delay their relocating only to find out they could have long moved had they not spent so much money on the latest gadgets, the extracurricular activities for the children, and gift-buying. You will need to have time, patience and dedication to make your move happen and fast!

One. Calculate how much money you can save by reviewing current bills you are paying and then calculating what you have leftover.

When seeking a new place to live, the first question a Realtor usually asks is, “When are you looking to move?” The next is, “What are your preferences?” Both of these questions can best be answered when you know how much money is in the bank. If you know you only have $100 left after every paycheck, then of course you can't move next week. So you will have to cut your expenses in order to increase the amount of money leftover from your paycheck so that you have first month's rent and a security deposit or a down payment on a home. You will also need to set aside a time frame to reach your financial goal.

Two. Avoid gift buying, impulse shopping, and programs with recurring fees.

Everyone who has had to move in record time, knows that all the fun stuff is non-existent. Sometimes people have gone without meat, cable, cell phones, and other luxuries to save for a move. Plan to give up some fun things and cut out the family activities temporarily that keep eating a hole in your wallet each pay.

Three. Sell things you no longer need.

Visit each room and interview your family. What could you sell to fund your move? Do you really need two to three cars, five TVs, baby items and boxes of toys, collectibles you no longer enjoy, and endless clothes and shoes. Put a family member to work to sort, another to take photographs, and another to sell items on eBay or at a local flea market/swap meet.

Four. Talk with people who have recently moved to find out about any deals or bargains they received on movers, a moving truck, and boxes.

Maybe you know someone who bragged about an inexpensive move. He or she might be able to help. You may also want to conduct your own research. Check your local ads.

Five. Talk with anyone who owes you money.

Sometimes we forget about individuals and businesses who were suppose to be paying us some money for services rendered or promised refunds. Whatever the case, visit some of those old websites to see if you have money due you and call up relatives and friends mentioning your move and the need for your money.

Six. Review any bank accounts that have money in them and transfer those monies into an account specifically designated for moving expenses.

Some people have two or three bank accounts with a little money sprinkled here and there. Combine all the monies into one banking account that you will use to pay for your moving expenses.

Eight. Check credit cards for open lines of credit to accommodate for any emergency.

There will be those unexpected, unanticipated expenses that come up while moving. So do be sure that you have enough money open on your credit cards if you should need them to pay for a future emergency. Better yet, if you have a savings specifically for emergencies then you don't need to worry over using your credit cards and having to pay them back later.

Nine. Borrow money from your retirement funds and/or insurance plan.

Maybe you discover that the move is going to cost you a lot more than you originally planned, if this is the case, then you will need to consider increasing the amount of money toward a retirement account with your employer. If your account is a matching fund (that is your employer matches your investment dollar for dollar,) your savings will increase a lot faster and then you will have more money to invest toward your move—just be sure you put the money back after your move! Also, check to see what the penalty is for early withdrawals. You could also meet with your insurance representative to find out the maximum amount you could borrow to meet your moving expenses.

Ten. Take a lunch. Make your own coffee.

Although this last point is simple, so many people avoid doing it. However, when you think of all the money you spend eating out and drinking coffee at some of these establishments, you will notice that the dollars you are spending could best be used toward your moving fund.

Once yo have a working plan to save for your move into that new apartment or town home, do remember to be consistent about saving. Try not to impulse shop and do to communicate with your family about any changes. When you have a good plan for moving, you will be better able to control any problems that may arise. If it becomes too difficult, try to delay your move for as long as possible. That last thing you want to do is cause more problems for you and your family in the future due to money woes.

N. McGuire

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